REST API for HCC Risk Models from CMS and HHS

A REST API for Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) risk models from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

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** Disclaimer **

This is not an official product of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), or RTI International. This is an open source project to increase the availability of their public risk adjustment models,


CMS Models

The CMS hierarchical condition categories (CMS-HCC) model, implemented in 2004, adjusts Medicare capitation payments to Medicare Advantage health care plans for the health expenditure risk of their enrollees. Its intended use is to pay plans appropriately for their expected relative costs. For example, MA plans that disproportionately enroll the healthy are paid less than they would have been if they had enrolled beneficiaries with the average risk profile, while MA plans that care for the sickest patients are paid proportionately more than if they had enrolled beneficiaries with the average risk profile.

Evaluation of the CMS-HCC Risk Adjustment Model

HHS Models

Section 1343 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 provides for a program of risk adjustment for all non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group market both inside and outside of the Marketplaces. The ACA directs the Secretary, in consultation with the states, to establish criteria and methods to be used in determining the actuarial risk of plans within a state. States electing to operate a risk adjustment program, or the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on behalf of states not electing to operate a risk adjustment program, will assess charges to plans that experience lower than average actuarial risk and use them to make payments to plans that have higher than average actuarial risk.

Affordable Care Act Risk Adjustment: Overview, Context, and Challenges

Quick Start Guide

The base URL for the API is

Overview of all models

Generating a GET request to the above URL will return brief model descriptions,

curl -X GET
  "V2217_79_O1": "CMS-HCC 2017 Midyear Final Model, 79 HCC Variables",
  "V2216_79_O2": "CMS-HCC 2017 Initial Model, 79 HCC Variables",
  "V2216_79_L1": "CMS-HCC 2016 Midyear Final Model, 79 HCC Variables (not implemented yet)",

Model details

Appending a model name will return details about the model,

curl -X GET
  "model_name": "V2216_79_O2",
  "model_description": "CMS-HCC 2017 Initial Model, 79 HCC Variables",
  "model_segments": {
    "CFA": "Community Full Benefit Dual Aged",
    "CFD": "Community Full Benefit Dual Disabled",
    "CNA": "Community NonDual Aged",
    "CND": "Community NonDual Disabled",
    "CPA": "Community Partial Benefit Dual Aged",
    "CPD": "Community Partial Benefit Dual Disabled",
    "INS": "Long Term Institutional",
    "NE": "New Enrollees",
    "SNPNE": "SNP New Enrollees"
  "model_coefficients": {
    "CFA_F65_69": 0.425,
    "CFA_F70_74": 0.511,
    "CFA_F75_79": 0.611,
  "icd_to_hcc_mappings": [
      "assignment_type": "primary",
      "diag_code": "A0103",
      "diag_type": 0,
      "hcc_code": "115"
      "assignment_type": "primary",
      "diag_code": "A0104",
      "diag_type": 0,
      "hcc_code": "39"
  "hcc_descriptions": {
    "HCC1": "HIV/AIDS",
    "HCC2": "Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock",
    "HCC6": "Opportunistic Infections",

Evaluating a risk model.

Generating a POST request to a model URL with evaluate appended to the end will calculate risk scores. Patient demographic and dianosis data must be sent in the body of the request in JSON format. The data should consist of a list of patient objects. Below is an example list with two patients,

        "pt_id": 1001,
        "sex": 1,
        "dob": "1930-8-21",
        "ltimcaid": 1,
        "nemcaid": 0,
        "orec": 2,
        "diagnoses": [
                "diag_code": "A420",
                "diag_type": 0
                "diag_code": "A4150",
                "diag_type": 0
        "pt_id": 1002,
        "sex": 2,
        "dob": "1927-7-12",
        "ltimcaid": 0,
        "nemcaid": 0,
        "orec": 1,
        "diagnoses": [
                "diag_code": "G030",
                "diag_type": 0
                "diag_code": "C7410",
                "diag_type": 0

An example curl command using the data above is,

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -i -d '[{"pt_id": 1001, "sex": 1, "dob": "1930-8-21", "ltimcaid": 1, "nemcaid": 0, "orec": 2, "diagnoses": [{"diag_code": "A420", "diag_type": 0},{"diag_code": "A4150", "diag_type": 0}]}, {"pt_id": 1002, "sex": 2, "dob": "1927-7-12", "ltimcaid": 0, "nemcaid": 0, "orec": 1, "diagnoses": [{"diag_code": "G030", "diag_type": 0},{"diag_code": "C7410", "diag_type": 0}]}]'

This will return a risk adjustment JSON object,

  "model_info": {
    "model_description": "CMS-HCC 2017 Initial Model, 79 HCC Variables",
    "model_name": "V2216_79_O2",
    "model_segments": {
      "CFA": "Community Full Benefit Dual Aged",
      "CFD": "Community Full Benefit Dual Disabled",
      "CNA": "Community NonDual Aged",
      "CND": "Community NonDual Disabled",
      "CPA": "Community Partial Benefit Dual Aged",
      "CPD": "Community Partial Benefit Dual Disabled",
      "INS": "Long Term Institutional",
      "NE": "New Enrollees",
      "SNPNE": "SNP New Enrollees"
  "patients": [
      "demographic_data": {
        "age": 86,
        "dob": "1930-08-21",
        "ltimcaid": 1,
        "nemcaid": 0,
        "orec": 2,
        "sex": 1
      "diagnoses_to_hccs": [
          "assign_type": "primary",
          "cc": 115,
          "cc_description": "Pneumococcal Pneumonia, Empyema, Lung Abscess",
          "diag_code": "A420",
          "diag_description": "Pulmonary actinomycosis",
          "diag_type": 0,
          "hcc": 115
          "assign_type": "primary",
          "cc": 2,
          "cc_description": "Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock",
          "diag_code": "A4150",
          "diag_description": "Gram-negative sepsis, unspecified",
          "diag_type": 0,
          "hcc": 2
      "pt_id": 1001,
      "risk_profiles": {
        "CFA": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "M85_89": 1.0090000000000001
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC115": 0.162,
            "HCC2": 0.596
          "score": 1.767,
          "segment_description": "Community Full Benefit Dual Aged",
          "segment_name": "CFA"
        "CFD": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {},
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC115": 0.049,
            "HCC2": 0.8109999999999999
          "score": 0.86,
          "segment_description": "Community Full Benefit Dual Disabled",
          "segment_name": "CFD"
        "CNA": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "M85_89": 0.6940000000000001
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC115": 0.221,
            "HCC2": 0.455
          "score": 1.37,
          "segment_description": "Community NonDual Aged",
          "segment_name": "CNA"
        "CND": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {},
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC115": 0.128,
            "HCC2": 0.532
          "score": 0.66,
          "segment_description": "Community NonDual Disabled",
          "segment_name": "CND"
        "CPA": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "M85_89": 0.679
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC115": 0.302,
            "HCC2": 0.409
          "score": 1.3900000000000001,
          "segment_description": "Community Partial Benefit Dual Aged",
          "segment_name": "CPA"
        "CPD": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {},
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC115": 0.22,
            "HCC2": 0.41700000000000004
          "score": 0.637,
          "segment_description": "Community Partial Benefit Dual Disabled",
          "segment_name": "CPD"
        "INS": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "LTIMCAID": 0.062,
            "M85_89": 1.129
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC115": 0.067,
            "HCC2": 0.34600000000000003
          "score": 1.604,
          "segment_description": "Long Term Institutional",
          "segment_name": "INS"
        "NE": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "NMCAID_NORIGDIS_NEM85_89": 1.511
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {},
          "score": 1.511,
          "segment_description": "New Enrollees",
          "segment_name": "NE"
        "SNPNE": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "NMCAID_NORIGDIS_NEM85_89": 2.0469999999999997
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {},
          "score": 2.0469999999999997,
          "segment_description": "SNP New Enrollees",
          "segment_name": "SNPNE"
      "demographic_data": {
        "age": 89,
        "dob": "1927-07-12",
        "ltimcaid": 0,
        "nemcaid": 0,
        "orec": 1,
        "sex": 2
      "diagnoses_to_hccs": [
          "assign_type": "primary",
          "cc": 10,
          "cc_description": "Lymphoma and Other Cancers",
          "diag_code": "C7410",
          "diag_description": "Malignant neoplasm of medulla of unspecified adrenal gland",
          "diag_type": 0,
          "hcc": 10
      "pt_id": 1002,
      "risk_profiles": {
        "CFA": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "F85_89": 0.917,
            "OriginallyDisabled_Female": 0.172
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC10": 0.713
          "score": 1.802,
          "segment_description": "Community Full Benefit Dual Aged",
          "segment_name": "CFA"
        "CFD": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {},
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC10": 0.7609999999999999
          "score": 0.7609999999999999,
          "segment_description": "Community Full Benefit Dual Disabled",
          "segment_name": "CFD"
        "CNA": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "F85_89": 0.664,
            "OriginallyDisabled_Female": 0.244
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC10": 0.677
          "score": 1.585,
          "segment_description": "Community NonDual Aged",
          "segment_name": "CNA"
        "CND": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {},
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC10": 0.6559999999999999
          "score": 0.6559999999999999,
          "segment_description": "Community NonDual Disabled",
          "segment_name": "CND"
        "CPA": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "F85_89": 0.6779999999999999,
            "OriginallyDisabled_Female": 0.126
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC10": 0.667
          "score": 1.471,
          "segment_description": "Community Partial Benefit Dual Aged",
          "segment_name": "CPA"
        "CPD": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {},
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC10": 0.5770000000000001
          "score": 0.5770000000000001,
          "segment_description": "Community Partial Benefit Dual Disabled",
          "segment_name": "CPD"
        "INS": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "F85_89": 0.7490000000000001,
            "ORIGDS": 0.0
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {
            "HCC10": 0.401
          "score": 1.1500000000000001,
          "segment_description": "Long Term Institutional",
          "segment_name": "INS"
        "NE": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "NMCAID_ORIGDIS_NEF85_89": 1.167
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {},
          "score": 1.167,
          "segment_description": "New Enrollees",
          "segment_name": "NE"
        "SNPNE": {
          "demographic_coefficients": {
            "NMCAID_ORIGDIS_NEF85_89": 2.252
          "diagnosis_coefficients": {},
          "score": 2.252,
          "segment_description": "SNP New Enrollees",
          "segment_name": "SNPNE"