Posts by Year


[tif] semhash for semantic deduplication

1 minute read

I often find myself in a position where I have to deduplicate. And most of the time, it’s a lot of data that needs to be deduplicated. So I keep my eye out f...

[til] cloud gpus with the prime intellect cli

9 minute read

Today I spun up a pair of A100 80GB gpus for $3.25 / hour using the prime-intellect-cli. I wrote briefly about prime intellect earlier and had spun up some G...

started building a large language model cli

3 minute read

I wanted to learn a little more about uv (Python project and package manager) and I wanted to experiment with a command line interface for large language mod...

[tif] simon willison on link blogs

1 minute read

Simon Willison is a co-creator of Django, gives great talks at events like PyCon, and is the kind of netizen we should all aspire to be more like. In hi...

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